Kairos+ is a psychotherapy and counselling service. It was developed in 2019 as a partnership between The Pocressi Initiative and Kairos Community Trust (KCT). KCT offers hostel accommodation, treatment services and supported housing in London for people in early recovery from substance addiction and other addictive disorders.
After five years of operating and much thought and reflection surrounding the evolving value system of the service, we have made the decision to bring the Kairos+ service to an ethical ending. It will permantly close in the Spring of 2024. While we strongly advocate for accessable long term psychotherapy for all- we realised we needed time to reshape a service that could be fully aligned with anti-oppressive values. We have every intention to continue the spirit of the work- and in time, a new service will be emerging. So, watch this space. In the nature of transparancy and sharing, the below is shared to honour the work, dedication and spirit to date.
what we do
We provide free, weekly one to one psychotherapy and counselling sessions to clients of KCT with an emphasis on supporting individuals to process childhood trauma. We offer this support for up to two years per individual.
Since the service's conception in 2019, our mission has been to support the clients of Kairos Community Centre, who are in abstinence-based addiction recovery and sober living, to process childhood trauma and improve their quality of life.
The service has grown organically since this time, with this mission as our priority. After a period of learning and reflection, however, we realise it is past time for us to embody our responsibility to do more to interrupt, challenge and offer alternatives to the oppressive systems and structures that we, our clients, and our psychotherapy institutions exist within.
Mission for Kairos+ moving forwards:
A space where clients feel supported and respected by practitioners who have deep knowledge of the harms of systematic oppression, and commitment to non-oppressive practices. A space where all those involved in the service feel able in their lives and invested in developing the service.
team Focus and Values
To commit to examining our individual and collective relationships with structures of power including but not limited to capitalism and white supremacy, both from the perspective of oppressor and oppressed.
To develop a framework of working, including decision making- that is collectively led by all those involved in the work, including giving decision making power to clients.
To prioritise collective care. To stay with discomfort. To be open to experiencing and hearing others.
To foster a non-capitalist culture (especially regarding financial decisions for the service). To move away from a sense of reaction and urgency in the development of the service.
To challenge the way we as a service and team carry and embody characteristics of white supremacy culture.
To acknowledge the oppressive systems, we have absorbed. To prioritise continued personal and collective learning journeys that centre examining power, individualism, and non-oppressive relationships.
To understand that mistakes will occur within our commitment and healing towards disrupting these systems and co-creating alternative ways of being. To be receptive and held accountable for when we cause harm to others, to voice when we feel harm is present, and be equally forgiving when mistakes are made.
To develop thoughtful and considerate conflict resolution processes.
To learn from, be in relationship with, and where possible collaborate with other non- oppressive therapeutic services/communities.
To centre marginalised voices, bodies, and theorists within our work. To question and challenge the harmful roots of the westernised psychotherapeutic models.